Saturday, August 6, 2011

Magnetise energy to your life

Like Attracts Like
If you had magnets stuck all over you, you would expect some things to stick to you, others to leap away and still more to show no reaction.

In a sense this is what happens in life. You unconsciously transmit your energy.

Some of your qualities are magnetic and others repellent.

You have drawn towards you everything and everyone who is in your life. Other things and people you have repelled. Many situations have no magnetic pull towards you.

A radio transmitter broadcasts on a particular frequency. Anyone interested in a programme going out on that waveband tunes in.

You are the transmitter.

You broadcast the play of your life. You send out into the ether the story of your patterns, emotional energy, mindsets, denials, likes and dislikes and much more.

Imagine you want to find an interesting programme. There are hundreds to tune into and you are flicking through the channels trying to decide which one to listen to. Most of them you tune out immediately. Now and again one will catch your attention. It may be heavy, funny, boring or interesting, violent or peaceful. You may like some aspects but be repelled by others.

Nevertheless, you are hooked in.

In the same way we attract people to us. People who do not resonate on our frequency simply are not attracted to us. They just pass by.

The vibration you emit is made up of your conscious and unconscious energy, some repellent, some magnetic, some neutral.

The underlying law is; Like attracts Like. We attract into our lives people and situations that have similar vibrations to our own.

•Negative qualities such as neediness, desperation, depression, greed, unkindness or thoughtlessness transmit on a low frequency. If we have elements of these in our nature, we will magnetise someone with similar energy into our life.

•Qualities such as love, kindness, happiness, delight or generosity transmit a high-frequency energy and also magnetise people with similar energy.

As We Develop Spiritually Awareness We Realise That The Universe provides mirrors for us to look into.

Look around you and note the characters around you. They are taking part in the play of your life for a reason.

The more vehemently we deny that we are magnets for a particular type of person or situation, the more our Higher Self is asking us to look at our shadow.

If you feel ready to commit to a relationship but your partner will not do so, look within at your own fear of commitment. He or she simply would not be there if you were one hundred percent sure. The moment you resolve your underlying belief, the other person will either commit to you or leave your life and allow someone who can commit to enter.

The person who is always cheerful and happy but seems to be surrounded by depressed people has attracted them to mirror their inner unhappiness. They serve a purpose, possibly to make them feel needed.

Our underlying beliefs attract situations and people to us. If you have a belief that you are not deserving, you will attract people into your life who mirror that belief back to you by treating you badly.

The Law Of Attraction works on many levels.

•If you are out of harmony with life you may attract food which disagrees with you.
•If you think self critical thoughts you are taking little swipes at yourself.
•If you are burying rage, you may draw in attack, physically, emotionally or even psychically.

These things may of course be a return of Karma, which is the unevitable balancing of right and wrong over lifetimes.

Whenever you do something because you feel you should or ought to, then you are in bondage. You will attract situations and people that keep you in bondage.

If, on the other hand, you are sending out positive energy, you will attract help when you need it.

If you think negative thoughts, you attract negative situations and people. Whenever something is not materialising as you expect, examine your underlying feelings and change them. Then magnetise what you want.

The inner attracts the outer.

•If something in your outer world is not what you want it to be, look inside and shift how you feel about yourself. You will then automatically attract people and experiences to you.

•Do not send out negative energy and wait for a disaster to be magnetised towards you. Send out positive light and wait for a miracle to be drawn towards you.

You are a magnet. You attract like you.

Does luck exist?

I often hear people asking, "Do you believe in luck?" and it always makes me wonder what they mean by "luck", and what to answer to it when they ask such a question. I will put my explanation of the word.
Some say Luck is destiny and some say it is coincidence.
You can surely call pleasant coincidences your "good luck" and unpleasant ones your "bad luck", but there is no reason to think that something miraculous as "luck" governs your life. There is no reason for giving up control of your life. Yes, your life will surely be affected by the dynamics around you, but then you are also a part of the dynamics in that your existence also affects the whole! Makes sense? So, you had better be active rather than counting on your luck!
Lack of control is an illusion. If you are the creator, all things are under your control. Some people say that control is an illusion but the opposite is the real truth.

How can you not be in control when all things are under your control? Realize the aspect of yourself that is divine, your Godhood. God is in control of all things, and God is the Self of all, which is your Higher Self. You are the Higher Self. You create all of your reality. There is no aspect of your reality which you do not create. Therefore you control all.
You are not a victim. All power is within and is absolutely under your control. To say that things happen through another cause other than yourself is to say that you are a victim.
Nothing happens outside of you. Everything is happening within you. You are Consciousness, and Consciousness encompasses All That Is. Whenever you feel not being in control, you are experiencing an illusion. You created the illusion of not being in control, of not being God. You are the director of the script and can control at will.

Intention controls results. Everything is created by your intention. Even when what you desire comes at a time or in a way that seems beyond your control, it is still your intent that brought it into manifesting.
There is no God outside of you that makes things happen. Everything is within you and within God. Nothing happens to you outside of you. When you realize this truth, you know that you are the creator of everything that happens in your life. The idea that something else makes things happen is not truth.

When undesirable things happen, you are simply being moved mentally or physically towards somewhere else that is closer to what you want. It is you moving yourself. Those undesirable things are not created by something external of you to affect you. They are part of your intent. Your intent arranges and rearranges the universe to move you to closer to where you wan to be. The rearrangement of the universe may seem to be something that is happening on its own but it is you who control it with intention.

By fixing the mental images in your mind, you will be better able to manifest the two phases as occasion arises. To create a thing you must want it with a burning desire that allows no denial, backed up by a will that knows no such word as "can't" or "no."

Besides its role as the director of the energy, the will serves a very important office as the restrainer of Desire Force. When under the control of the "I" of the person, and taking the suggestion of reason and judgment, it is able to prevent one from expressing undesirable or hurtful desires. It refuses to project the Desire Force, or to allow the desire to take effect in action. It also turns back the desire upon itself, and refuses to allow it to manifest. The will prevents negative manifestation upon the plane of action.

And the will has still another important function. It acts as a protector. The will repels the influence or vibrations of another mind, and renders its possessor immune to undesirable thought-waves. It creates a protective aura around the individual, which will turn aside the thought-waves or vibrations which may reach him, whether such be sent directly to him or whether they are the vibrations emanating from minds of others and unconsciously sent forth. A strong soul retains strong individuality and thinking.

Feeling is living thought. Everything that is worthwhile was produced by this feeling thought. Feeling—Desire— Emotion—Passion—Wanting— Willing—Demanding—these are the things that have creative power. So do not deceive yourself with this ''holding the thought," or any such nonsense of which you have heard so much until you get sick at the mention of the words. It is not simply "holding the thought," it is "holding the desire," and backing it up with the will that does the work. Desire-Will is intent.

Each one of these centers of energy seems to have two poles of activity, one of which acts in the direction of impelling, driving, pushing, forcing, urging, directing, etc., the action being always "outward"; and the other acting in the direction of drawing, pulling, attracting, coaxing, alluring, charming, leading, etc., the action always being "inward." One seems to be a masculine force, the other a feminine force. One seems to act as Will-Power; the other as Desire-Force. The Desire aligns, and the will acts.

These two poles of Mind Power possessed by each center are called the motive pole, and the emotive pole, respectively. As in all other things, a combination of the masculine and feminine qualities and characteristics produces the best results. Each has its strong and weak points, but together they are irresistible along all lines of work, physical, mental and spiritual. Desire is emotive force which is internal action. Will is motive force which is external action. Desire translated into Will is Magic work.
To live as a powerful creator, you have to banish the illusion once and for all that you are not in control. Because you will always arrive back at the core truth that you are the creator of your reality and that you control all of it. Not being in control makes you feel like a victim.

When you focus on what you can do to create what you want, you take back the power. Your intent brings you the knowledge, the awareness and the energy to create what you want. Everything that happens can be traced back to intent.

Life is Beautiful.....

Life is full of surprises…..Whether it’s good or bad…No matter what happens… Happens for a reason…!!!

It takes you through lot of ups and downs in life….But it helps you become stronger day by day….Sometimes, You have a reason to be happy and Super excited ….Where as you as well have a reason to feel low at times….Similarly, There are two sides of life…Brighter side of life always makes you smile and darker side of life helps fight back when unexpected things happen and things go wrong, when you are unlucky at times.

I am sure everyone would have experienced both the flavors of life…So we just need to know how to be balanced and focused in life….!

Is Tradition really needed to live life?

Traditions are mostly useful. But let us explore the ones that aren't so useful. The type of tradition that is for tradition sake. The ones that are generally referred to when confronted as "we've always done things that way."

Why are we so tied to them? Why do we allow them to effect the way in which we do things when all they are, are roadblocks to moving forward? Do we use them as crutches to force us to stay they way we wanted to be? Is it some nostalgic why to inhibit progress of any type?
We should all be evaluating the traditions in our life that help us and the ones that hurt us. We should all view them as if we are an outsider and really look at their importance. Do they help or hurt? Do they wax or wane? Do they progress or regress?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

To add spice in life be energetic and vibrant!

You need energy to get things done. Yet, most people live their lives without much energy.

Successful people are those who radiate energy from them. You can know it from the way they walk, the way they talk, the way they think and act and make decisions. You can always feel the energy from them.

They’re passionate and full with energy!
This is the secret that you need to get your work done in effectively and efficiently.

Here are 7 ways how you can keep yourself energetic all the time…

1. Always Read Motivational Materials
This is one of the simplest ways. If you want to stay positive and energetic, read motivational books or listen to inspiring audios. This is a very common motivational technique, but yet, most people never apply it into their lives.
If you can do this for 30 minutes everyday, you will go through big changes in your life in a few months. If you don’t believe me, just try it. You’ll see the amazing changes you’re going to get in your life.

2. Think About Your Dreams
Yes, thinking about your dreams will get you motivated. If you want to be rich, driving a BMW 5 Series, just imagine that you’ve already achieved this goal in your mind. Visualize the vivid picture. Imagine the color, the smell, the touch of the steering and more.
You’ll feel great if you do this right. Do this every time when you feel no motivation or when you’re in a low energy state. The more you do this, the better you’re going to get in visualizing it. Great technique, try it!

3. Identify Your Motivation Starter
When you feel motivated, try to ask yourself this question, “what makes me motivated?”
You have to identify the things that make you move into the high energy state. It can be a thought, a song, an image of a happy family, a voice in your head and more. Once you knew what makes you motivated, you can then repeat the process and stay motivated all the time!
Again, the more you practice, the better you’re going to get.

4. Take Rest And Relax Your Mind
Think about it, when you’re overloaded with works and stress for a long time in the office, what should you do to refresh yourself?
The best way is to take rest and relax your mind. Take a walk in garden, slow down your pace and notice all the great and beautiful things around you, listen to soft music or songs that inspired you.
After you’ve refreshed your mind, you will find that you have all the energy to take on the world again. Sometimes it is a wise way to take a break to relax when you’re feeling stress. It will help you to stay focused and be more effective after you get back to your work.

5. Stay Healthy All The Time
The secret to live in a high energy state all the time is to be healthy! Many people sacrifice their health for their financial future. If you let me choose, I’m going to choose both.
You can say that I’m greedy, but I want both. What is the point of having all the money in the world but you cannot enjoy it and suffer serious illness?
Make sure you take exercise often and eat healthily.

6. Have Faith And Enjoy Your Life
Yes, simply have the faith and enjoy every moment you have in your life will make you a happy-go-lucky person. This is one of the easiest ways to stay motivated and energetic all the time. Most people keep themselves busy and lose the faith to live a happy life.
Sometimes, living a simple life will be the best option. You don’t need to have all the money in the world to be successful. Appreciate what you have at every moment will give you a sense of succeed and live your life with passion.

7. Read The Millionaire Secrets
Frankly, I don’t know what you think about The Millionaire Secrets, but I hope that it is a great blog that will inspire and help you in every way to living a better life.