Like Attracts Like
Some of your qualities are magnetic and others repellent.
You have drawn towards you everything and everyone who is in your life. Other things and people you have repelled. Many situations have no magnetic pull towards you.
A radio transmitter broadcasts on a particular frequency. Anyone interested in a programme going out on that waveband tunes in.
You are the transmitter.
You broadcast the play of your life. You send out into the ether the story of your patterns, emotional energy, mindsets, denials, likes and dislikes and much more.
Imagine you want to find an interesting programme. There are hundreds to tune into and you are flicking through the channels trying to decide which one to listen to. Most of them you tune out immediately. Now and again one will catch your attention. It may be heavy, funny, boring or interesting, violent or peaceful. You may like some aspects but be repelled by others.
Nevertheless, you are hooked in.
In the same way we attract people to us. People who do not resonate on our frequency simply are not attracted to us. They just pass by.
The vibration you emit is made up of your conscious and unconscious energy, some repellent, some magnetic, some neutral.
The underlying law is; Like attracts Like. We attract into our lives people and situations that have similar vibrations to our own.
•Negative qualities such as neediness, desperation, depression, greed, unkindness or thoughtlessness transmit on a low frequency. If we have elements of these in our nature, we will magnetise someone with similar energy into our life.
•Qualities such as love, kindness, happiness, delight or generosity transmit a high-frequency energy and also magnetise people with similar energy.
As We Develop Spiritually Awareness We Realise That The Universe provides mirrors for us to look into.
Look around you and note the characters around you. They are taking part in the play of your life for a reason.
The more vehemently we deny that we are magnets for a particular type of person or situation, the more our Higher Self is asking us to look at our shadow.
If you feel ready to commit to a relationship but your partner will not do so, look within at your own fear of commitment. He or she simply would not be there if you were one hundred percent sure. The moment you resolve your underlying belief, the other person will either commit to you or leave your life and allow someone who can commit to enter.
The person who is always cheerful and happy but seems to be surrounded by depressed people has attracted them to mirror their inner unhappiness. They serve a purpose, possibly to make them feel needed.
Our underlying beliefs attract situations and people to us. If you have a belief that you are not deserving, you will attract people into your life who mirror that belief back to you by treating you badly.
The Law Of Attraction works on many levels.
•If you are out of harmony with life you may attract food which disagrees with you.
•If you think self critical thoughts you are taking little swipes at yourself.
•If you are burying rage, you may draw in attack, physically, emotionally or even psychically.
These things may of course be a return of Karma, which is the unevitable balancing of right and wrong over lifetimes.
Whenever you do something because you feel you should or ought to, then you are in bondage. You will attract situations and people that keep you in bondage.
If, on the other hand, you are sending out positive energy, you will attract help when you need it.
If you think negative thoughts, you attract negative situations and people. Whenever something is not materialising as you expect, examine your underlying feelings and change them. Then magnetise what you want.
•If something in your outer world is not what you want it to be, look inside and shift how you feel about yourself. You will then automatically attract people and experiences to you.
•Do not send out negative energy and wait for a disaster to be magnetised towards you. Send out positive light and wait for a miracle to be drawn towards you.
If you had magnets stuck all over you, you would expect some things to stick to you, others to leap away and still more to show no reaction.
In a sense this is what happens in life. You unconsciously transmit your energy.
Some of your qualities are magnetic and others repellent.
You have drawn towards you everything and everyone who is in your life. Other things and people you have repelled. Many situations have no magnetic pull towards you.
A radio transmitter broadcasts on a particular frequency. Anyone interested in a programme going out on that waveband tunes in.
You broadcast the play of your life. You send out into the ether the story of your patterns, emotional energy, mindsets, denials, likes and dislikes and much more.
Imagine you want to find an interesting programme. There are hundreds to tune into and you are flicking through the channels trying to decide which one to listen to. Most of them you tune out immediately. Now and again one will catch your attention. It may be heavy, funny, boring or interesting, violent or peaceful. You may like some aspects but be repelled by others.
In the same way we attract people to us. People who do not resonate on our frequency simply are not attracted to us. They just pass by.
The vibration you emit is made up of your conscious and unconscious energy, some repellent, some magnetic, some neutral.
The underlying law is; Like attracts Like. We attract into our lives people and situations that have similar vibrations to our own.
•Negative qualities such as neediness, desperation, depression, greed, unkindness or thoughtlessness transmit on a low frequency. If we have elements of these in our nature, we will magnetise someone with similar energy into our life.
•Qualities such as love, kindness, happiness, delight or generosity transmit a high-frequency energy and also magnetise people with similar energy.
As We Develop Spiritually Awareness We Realise That The Universe provides mirrors for us to look into.
Look around you and note the characters around you. They are taking part in the play of your life for a reason.
The more vehemently we deny that we are magnets for a particular type of person or situation, the more our Higher Self is asking us to look at our shadow.
If you feel ready to commit to a relationship but your partner will not do so, look within at your own fear of commitment. He or she simply would not be there if you were one hundred percent sure. The moment you resolve your underlying belief, the other person will either commit to you or leave your life and allow someone who can commit to enter.
The person who is always cheerful and happy but seems to be surrounded by depressed people has attracted them to mirror their inner unhappiness. They serve a purpose, possibly to make them feel needed.
Our underlying beliefs attract situations and people to us. If you have a belief that you are not deserving, you will attract people into your life who mirror that belief back to you by treating you badly.
The Law Of Attraction works on many levels.
•If you are out of harmony with life you may attract food which disagrees with you.
•If you think self critical thoughts you are taking little swipes at yourself.
•If you are burying rage, you may draw in attack, physically, emotionally or even psychically.
These things may of course be a return of Karma, which is the unevitable balancing of right and wrong over lifetimes.
Whenever you do something because you feel you should or ought to, then you are in bondage. You will attract situations and people that keep you in bondage.
If, on the other hand, you are sending out positive energy, you will attract help when you need it.
If you think negative thoughts, you attract negative situations and people. Whenever something is not materialising as you expect, examine your underlying feelings and change them. Then magnetise what you want.
The inner attracts the outer.
•If something in your outer world is not what you want it to be, look inside and shift how you feel about yourself. You will then automatically attract people and experiences to you.
•Do not send out negative energy and wait for a disaster to be magnetised towards you. Send out positive light and wait for a miracle to be drawn towards you.
You are a magnet. You attract like you.