Have you ever paid attention to how a honey bee operates? How focused and determined that bee is to do its fair share of the work? How it does its leadership part to make sure that everyone else is having enough food, and shelter?
When you’re placed in a leadership role or you are pursing a leadership role do you sacrifice a lot to get to where you would like to be? Do you change your atmosphere,attitude, language, and behavior to fit the part? Think about it.
Bee’s are some of the best leaders in the world. They understand their roles from birth on what they should contribute to the hive to make sure themselves and their community is safe from harms way. They know that they will protect their queen from any harm that might come their way and will work endless hours until their job is complete and move onto the next task without having to be told to. They communicate with their team members on which flowers they have already been at and which areas they would like to target next.
They understand that if they don’t get their part of the job done then its going to weight heavy on the community to pick up their slack. Being lazy or procrastination is not apart of a bee’s lifestyle.
Now, I know I just threw a unique perspective at you about how bee’s operate in my perspective. No, I am not a bee expert but an observer. We all like to be leaders in organizations and companies that we are apart of. We try and educate ourselves in various industries to become masters (degree) in our fields of choices.
But, it seems that it gets to a point where sometimes the lazy inner person shows up more then what is necessary. The sacrifice to start a company, begin a new career, collect various degrees does not happen as seriously as it should be. Slacking and making excuses seems to be the normal rather then focus and determination being your best friends. We can praise and shout that we are changing the world by our consistent outspoken ways and life changing social media era but if we don’t take the time to step up and step out we won’t see no such change.
Operating our lives as hunny bees with working effectively and productively is what is going to assist us in completing our goals in life. When was the last time that you actually completed a series of goals on time? If it takes you longer then 8 minutes to answer that question then you should understand that you need to focus more on self development and preparation.
Now, this is not a blog post to bash our lovely smooth sailing life what we think but to be honest about what were trying to do. Over the course of this year I have taken the chance of teaching myself new strategies and skills to become a better leader. Leadership is going to be your best asset in trying to be apart of any company or to start a company. As a generation we have to take the chance to invest in ourselves a lot more then what we have been by studying books, courses, attending seminars and being involved.
Sometimes putting in those countless hours of preparation to develop your first product will have to be your main priority and you might lose some friends because of that. But, you have to understand what you’re trying to reach at in life.
A bee will always work hard every day until the job is completed. You need to place yourself in “bee mode” at times to make sure that long list of things to do is getting completed on time :)