Saturday, August 2, 2008
Know Your F.U.T.U.R.E
When you visit a astrologer and ask them to tell you about your future, in some cases, they can be quite accurate. But, realize that your future is only accurate as long as you’re heading down the path chosen at the time of the reading. However, if you change your path, your entire future ‘rebuilds’ to accommodate your new direction and experiences.
After some work with a professional, and long-time-involved, remote viewer, I began to understand that the past, present, and future have already occurred. This is why, through remote viewing, we can meander around the strange worlds and times in which we live, and will live.
It may sound strange, but consider that one cannot see what might happen, but only what ‘has’ happened in the future. Indeed, the future is just as much based on your present existence as is your present based on the decisions and experiences of your past. You cannot change your past to alter your present, but you can change your present to adjust your future!
On the contrary, you do have three choices!
1.To continue down the path you’re heading and just accept the consequences of what could potentially occur.
2.Take minor, short-term alterations in your life and hope for the best.
3.Pick a desired destination in the future, and work backward to define the future you want for yourself!
The first two choices work and they will get you there just the same. However, the third choice is the best option to take as you are dictating your future and defining how to get there. This might sound like a contradiction to everything I said earlier about the future ‘already happening’. But, many of us have been brought up to accept things as they are and believe that our futures are already ‘written in stone’.
Actually, even though a new future does ‘come into existence’ every time we make a decision or perform an action, it is not written in stone until it passes us by. At that point, you need to just accept that you are where you are because you allowed yourself to be there.
If you believe in visiting your astrologer on a regular basis, by all means continue to do so if it makes you feel better. But, realize, that everything that they tell you of your future is only a glimpse of what could be based on what is currently happening in your life. You have the choice to change it, at will!
Take hold of your future and turn it into what you want it to be. Don’t just let it flounder about until it ends up someplace close to where you would like it to be. Pick a point in the future where you want to be, then plan backward to today to figure out how to get there. Once the plan is set and you’re in motion, go back to your astrologer and see what they say!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Relationship Matters
Good relationships take work. I have witnessed many potential good relationships fail due too poor or ineffective communication, an inability to meet each other needs and by having unrealistic expectations of the relationship in general. The fact is, most of us don't know always know the things we can do to improve our relationships. Contrary to popular belief, its not always how much love you have for each other that can predict the success of your relationship, but ultimately it comes down to how conflicts and disagreements are handled. Research has shown that couples who are effective in resolving conflict report being more fulfilled in their relationships and have less incidence of divorce. I will provide you some practical techniques that you can begin implementing today that will drastically improve the current state of your relationship.
Perception Vs. Reality
We have all heard the saying, "Every story has three sides, my side, your side and somewhere in the middle lays the truth". The fact is several people can witnesses the very same event, yet all walk away with a different perception or interpretation of the facts. The same is true in relationships. We all interpret events through our own unique lens. The way we process information is based largely on our past experiences, environment and our own inherent genetic make-up. Believe it or not, this is one of the major reasons why many relationships fail, not just our relationships with our spouse or mate, but relationships with family, co-workers and friends can all succumb to inaccurate interpretations, inevitably causing the relationship to deteriorate. Failing to realize the impact of how ones perception can influence how events are interpreted and received can be the downfall of any relationship. For couples that struggle with this issue, it is important to always question, particularly when conflict arises, if they are being overly negative in interpreting their partner's actions or motives, this can be done by searching for evidence that is contrary to the negative interpretation. Oftentimes when this is done, couples find that the stance they are choosing to take on a particular issue is based solely on their own internal dialogue and really has nothing to do with their partner.
Search for the positive
If I were to ask you right now to list 10 positive traits about yourself, it would probably take you a while to come up with some things; however, if I were to ask you to list 10 negative traits or qualities, you could probably come up with them in 10 seconds flat. Unfortunately, it is human nature to focus more on what is not working in our lives than to focus on what is going well. The same holds true in our relationships; however, if you make a point to focus more on the positive aspects of your relationship and less on the negative, you may find that things aren't so bad after all. You may begin to view your relationship in a more positive regard, which will directly affect how you relate to your partner and how your partner relates to you.
Scorekeeping is for games, not for relationships
Keeping score is a surefire way to kill your relationship. Harboring bad feelings and holding onto things in the past will ultimately destroy your relationship if you don't do something about it. Relationships are filled with both good and bad times, when the bad times occur, you and your partner must be committed to resolving conflict in healthy ways by ensuring that both partners feel that their voice is being heard and that each of you are valued in the relationship for you own unique strengths. Scorekeepers may find themselves winning the fight, but losing the relationship.
Self-esteem and Self worth comes from within
We all know of someone or have heard of someone who has made a decision to start or continue in a relationship because of what the other person has to offer; money, prestige, fame, etc. It is important to note, that because your partner has those things, doesn't necessarily mean you will be happy. It is foolish to believe that your mate is the only source of your happiness and that the only way to feel complete is to be in a relationship or base your relationship solely on what your partner has. Sure having someone to love and to share your life with can lead to a happier or more fulfilled life, but lets be clear about one thing, it cannot be the only thing that makes your life complete. The healthiest relationships exist when both partners feel whole even before the relationship begins. If you are dependent on your mate to fulfill your every need, you may be setting yourself and your relationship up to fail. The role of your mate is to compliment you, not make you. Self-fulfillment and self-esteem comes from within through personal acceptance, personal strength and self-love. If self-esteem is something you are struggling with, you need to first identify the source of your emptiness and develop a plan to begin to change the way you feel about yourself. The fact is, it doesn't matter how many ways or how many times your mate expresses his love, you will be incapable of receiving it until the internal work is done. An excellent book on self-esteem that I highly recommend is "Ten Days to Self-Esteem" by David Burns.
State your needs clearly and concise
Don't expect for your mate to be able to read your mind. As a couple, you need to openly discuss your thoughts, feelings and concerns. If there is something you need or want from your partner, state it in clear and concise terms. You can't hold your mate accountable for something he/she is not aware of.
Avoid put down
We have all heard the saying "Fight Fair"; this also applies to how you communicate with your partner. When arguing with you partner, it is important to allow him/her to leave the argument with their dignity and self-respect still intact. Name calling and character assai nations, as I like to call it, will poison a relationship and lead to resentment and hurt feelings. Augments and disagreements are a normal part of any relationship and the purpose is to help couples resolve differences and to reach new levels of understanding. The goal of an augment is not to always to win, as Dr. Phil puts it, If you win, then your partner loses which will ultimately lead to a lose/lose situation for the both of you.
In closing, maintaining a happy and healthy relationship can be hard-work. However, when you are able to reach a point in the relationship in which both partners feel validated, valued and successfully able to meet each other's needs, the level of happiness and fulfillment a happy relationship can bring, is well worth it. If their are things you can do to improve your relationship, start today, you may be surprised at how far a little maintenance can go.