Monday, September 19, 2011

29 Paasuram


vandhunnai sEvitthun

pottramarai adiye

pottrum poruL keLAi

pettram meitthuNNum kulatthil pirandhu


kuttrEval engaLai koLLAmal pOgAdhu

ittraipparai koLvAn anru kAN gOvindA

ettraikkumEzEzu piravikkum unthannOdu

uttrEmE AvOm unakkE nAm AtseivOm

mattrai nam kAmangal mAttrElOrempAvAi

Hear why we have come in the early morning and worship your

lotus-like feet. Being born in the clan of cowherds you cannot refuse our

service to you. We have not come here just ask for the requisites for this

vratha but to pray that we should belong to you for all the lives to come and

should serve you alone. remove all the other desires of ours.